Frequently Asked Questions

Why do works of the same design vary in price?

Though each work of the same design typically takes roughly the same time to make there is great variability in the stamps used. Some stamps are very common and others can be difficult to get hold of, both in terms of availability and actually sourcing multiples of them. Then there is a matter of quality as I am typically looking for stamps in good condition without too heavy a cancellation on them. This variability in time and cost is then reflected in the price of the completed work.

Do you use King Charles III stamps?

No. Unfortunately due to die cut sections introduced in 2009 as a security feature in modern stamps I typically cannot use stamps after this date and this includes all of King Charles III. Plus the standard british definitive stamps have now changed to a larger size as well after having been the same size for around 180 years.

Do you use Mint/Unused stamps?

Yes. Most of my designs embrace the variety that comes from stamps that have been through the postal system. However there are definitely times when using a mint or a used stamp that shows no postmark works better. For the very old stamps Queen Victoria, King Edward VII and George V mint stamps typically are rare and cost significantly more than used examples and I typically stay away from using these. Partly for cost reasons and partly to not annoy any philatelists.